6 Rosedale Abbey
Pickering, Y018 8RA
North Yorkshire, UK
There is a traditional farming community in Rosedale together with a more recent population increase from ex-urbanites, Artisan craft folk, and self-employed professionals.
But the 400 or so residents living in the Dale today are nowhere close to the 5,000 people who called Rosedale home during the iron-ore mining boom in Victorian times.
The community nowadays is, however, still close knit and supports many active groups; such as the Parish Council, History Society, WI, Agricultural Society, and Church groups.
We also have a thriving village School which is educating just 12 children in this remote valley!
Since the iron-ore mining days ended in 1926, Rosedale has become an important destination for holidaymakers drawn by the Dales' natural beauty, heritage value, opportunity for outdoor pursuites, and its location at the centre of North York Moors National Park.
Rosedale Abbey is a real Utopia for walkers and cyclists; and a magnet for painters and photographers.
There is also a wealth of fabulous places to dine out; with both traditional pubs and restaurants around the Moors and on the Yorkshire Heritage Coast within easy reach.
Holidaymakers will quickly discover an incredible vitality in this beautiful corner of Yorkshire.
10 Rose & Crown Yard
Off Flower Gate, Whitby
North Yorkshire, Y021 3BE