6 Rosedale Abbey
Pickering, Y018 8RA
North Yorkshire, UK
I've always thought that exercise is better with an amazing view!
So a walk for exercise in Rosedale on the North York Moors makes an ideal way to keep fit and catch some stunning scenary at the same time - with the reward of some great food at the soon-to-be reopened Milburn Arms Hotel.
There are two other pub's which you can also visit on this walk - the White Horse Farm Inn and the Coach house - so don't get too carried away!
This easy 4-5 mile circuit walk sets off from the car park of the Milburn Arms (postcode = YO18 8RA) and just across the road from Rosella Cottage in the pretty village of Rosedale Abbey.
From Easter 2014, you can have a drink or meal at the Milburn Arms after your return from all that exercise and fresh air.
The Milburn Arms Reopens at Easter 2014 After a Six-year Closure.
The walk is actually two sections; meaning you can do a shorter- or longer-version depending on your time available
Turn left out of the car park and immediately left at the crossroads in the village.
Walk past the Milburn Arms and head-off uphill on Heygate Bank.
It's a steep hill towards the top, but a quiet road with not much traffic on most days.
Towards the top of the bank you'll pass the TV mast on the left and cross-over the cattle grid onto Hamer Moor.
As you leave the fields behind and set off onto the proper moorland; a little further on you'll come to the Rosedale Millenium Cross on the right.
The cross was erected in 2000AD by the residents of Rosedale to celebrate the turn of the Millenium.
Look back over Rosedale from here for magnificent views across the dale.
The View from the Millenium Cross Above Rosedale are Spectacular.
Just after the cross, take the footpath on the right that heads-across the Moor towards Russell's Wood.
The path meets Hancow Road and you keep straight on along the road with the wood on your left.
At the end of Russell's Wood, you'll continue on Hancow Road with just one field on your right - and moorland on your left.
You'll then come to another wood on both sides of the road.
Take the path on the right at the end of the first block of trees.
The path runs down to a broken down wall with a very dark plantation on the opposite side. It's very spooky!
Keep walking parallel to Hancow Road through the forest for a short distance.
As you come out of the dense wood, turn right and head down hill quite steeply.
You'll arrive at a gravel road - turn right towards Allotment Farm in the distance.
Most of the Walk is on Quiet Roads or Bridleways and Footpaths.
At the next fenceline on your left, take the path down hill to the bottom of the first field - follow the Bridleway signs.
Turn right and walk along the grassy laneway towards Allotment Farm.
You'll pass just below the farm and enter Hartoft Rigg Wood.
Follow the well-defined path downhill throught the trees.
You'll arrive at a gate with a warning sign "bull in field".
If there is no bull, walk downhill across the field to Pry Hills Lane.
Take Care When Crossing Fields Containing Cattle.
You can now either walk directly back to Rosedale Abbey along the Pry Hills Lane; or take the next section to the other side of the valley.
If you head back to Rosedale Abbey this way, you'll pass-by the Coach House Inn jut before arrving into the village.
It's a good spot for refreshments before getting home.
Turn right onto the road and pass by Yatts Farm - almost opposite where you've joined the road.
Just after the farm, turn left and follow the footpath along the fenceline.
This path brings you down to the River Seven.
Cross the river on the footbridge.
Follow the path uphill on the otherside to join Daleside Road.
Turn right on Daleside Road (which is a rough track at this point) and walk along the valley side.
It's a nice walk here with more good views over Rosedale and Northdale.
You'll pass-by a couple of farms before arriving at the White Horse Farm Inn.
The White Horse was voted Yorkshire's best pub in 2012 and is well worth stopping-off for a pint or bight to eat.
Make Sure to Stop-off and Enjoy a Pint at the White Horse Farm Inn.
Immediately after the Inn, you'll come to a crossroads.
Turn right onto Gill Lane and head-off steeply downhill to arrive back into Rosedale Abbey.
If, for some reason you're not staying at Rosella Cottage, you'll find two cafe's offering refreshments and the public conveniences in the village.
10 Rose & Crown Yard
Off Flower Gate, Whitby
North Yorkshire, Y021 3BE