6 Rosedale Abbey
Pickering, Y018 8RA
North Yorkshire, UK
It seems that the BBC have gone "North York Moors" mad.
First, they had Jeremy Clarkeson and the Top Gear program (Series 22, Episode 4, broadcast Saturday 7th February) dashing about the Moors on the Blakey Road above Rosedale Abbey and down into Whitby in a BMW i8 hybrid car.
Top Gear Showcases the Pleasure of Driving on the North York Moors.
And now Rosedale will again feature in a new BBC1 program on Wednesday 15th April 2015; to show at 9pm.
The episode will feature Rosedale as part of the programme about "Secret Britain".
So remember to put that date and time in your diary.
The hour-long programme will cover the "Mysterious Moors of Yorkshire" and feature a piece on Rosedales' oldest industry - glass manufacturing.
Both the Hugenot glassmakers of the past and modern-day Artisans at Gillies Jones Glass making studio and gallery in Rosedale Abbey are covered.
A Beautiful Glass Bowl from Kate and Steve at Gilles-Jones Gallery.
The programme will also cover a rich trove of other little-known stories and ancient secrets from across the North York Moors.
I can't wait to watch!
10 Rose & Crown Yard
Off Flower Gate, Whitby
North Yorkshire, Y021 3BE