6 Rosedale Abbey
Pickering, Y018 8RA
North Yorkshire, UK
Most single people accept that they have to pay a little more for their holiday accommodation.
Hotels, Cruise's and B+B's often apply a 'single-supplement' charge for people holidaying on their own.
The problem is that singles often end up having to pay the extra cost even though they are then given a small single room – one that is too small to be sold to a couple or family travelling together.
These rooms are also often situated at the back of the hotel or B+B, or the less desirable locations on a cruise liner.
The single-supplement charges do not represent good value, or fair treatment for solo-travellers.
At Rosella Cottage, we cater for solo-travellers and make sure they get a fair deal on accommodation.
Rosella is a traditional Yorkshire-stone cottage, constructed about 1850; but fully renovated in 2013.
We've knocked-through two existing upper-story bedrooms to form a single 'Master bedroom' with a lovely vaulted ceiling giving a nice sense of space.
We also offer a lovely en-suite, a cosy lounge with fold-away sofa bed (for children), and a small kitchen adding all the benefits of self-catering.
Our accommodation is absolutely ideal for singles, couples, or families with younger children.
And our tariff is the same for couples, small families, or solo-travellers.
To check our availability in 2014, please click this link.
10 Rose & Crown Yard
Off Flower Gate, Whitby
North Yorkshire, Y021 3BE