6 Rosedale Abbey
Pickering, Y018 8RA
North Yorkshire, UK
Jim Wright is a landscape and seascape artist based in Kirkbymoorsde, about ten miles distant from Rosella Cottage here in Rosedale Abbey.
Living on the edge of the North York Moors National Park, Jim's painting features landscapes and seascapes from this dramatic region; as well as from other wild and remote parts of the British Isles.
"Pockets of Light" on the Moor Above Rosedale.
Jim returns again and again to specific places; such as the moors above Frandale and Rosedale; immersing himself in the landscape.
He likes to witness the local weather conditions and the changing colours, understand the lie of the land and build a real "sense of place" in to each landscape study.
Light and Showers in Rosedale.
The quality of the light is the distinctive element in his landscapes.
And for that reason, we love Jim's works of Rosedale.
When visiting Rosedale Abbey, you are welcome to visit Jim's studio gallery in Kirkbymoorside by appointment.
Jim finishes work in the studio, but he is often out painting on the moors, so a telephone call will save you a wasted journey.
For an appointment, please call 01751 430049.
10 Rose & Crown Yard
Off Flower Gate, Whitby
North Yorkshire, Y021 3BE