6 Rosedale Abbey
Pickering, Y018 8RA
North Yorkshire, UK
Three local tourist destinations have registered in the Daily Telegraph's "Top 50" British visitor attractions for 2014.
And all three attractions are within an hour or so by car from Rosedale in the North York Moors.
Amongst a million other places to visit in York, you'll find the Jorvik Viking Centre.
The Jorvik Centre provides a ride back in time to AD975, with reconstructed streets showing what life was like for the Viking's living in York before the Norman Conquest.
It's been a favourite "must-see" attration in York since the early 1990s and includes noises, smells, Anglo-Scandinavian language, and a super interpretation centre with artifacts recovered by Archaeologists in Coppergate.
The Jorvik Centre Recreates Viking York in AD 975 - Rats and All!
You can even try a Viking "deodorant" during your visit to York - Norse Power.
The new body spray includes the aroma of battle gore, sweat, pine, meat, mead, seawater and smoke.
Sounds lovely!
A ticket for a family of four to the Jorvik Centre costs £29.95.
You can also visit the Coppergate archaeological excavation project.
The Jorvik Centre is open daily 10am-5pm until November 3rd 2014.
Insider tip, even after 20-years, there are still often long queues to enter the Jorvik Centre so get there around 30-minutes early for a stress-free visit.
Contact the Jorvik Centre on 01904 615 505 for further information.
Also in York, you'll discover the National Railway Museum (with a second location at Shildon in County Durham).
The NRM in York is the best free museum in England and certainly makes an ideal place to visit if the weather in North Yorkshire is a little inclement.
You can easily spend all day wandering through the NRM.
Highlights include a Japanese bullet train, a Chinese locomotive, and Queen Victoria’s Carriage.
My favourite is the Mallard which at one time was easily the fastest steam train in the World.
There is also a fantastic model railway display, outdoor play area and train-ride simulator.
The NRM in York is open from 10am-6pm daily and entry is free.
Contact the NRM on 08448 153139 for futher information.
A little further away, but still within a comfortable drive of Rosella Cottage, you'll discover Beamish Museum.
Beamish opened when I was still at Primary school in the early 1970s and it has grown to a 300-acre site containing reconstructed houses, shops and heritage buildings.
The museum is a monument to our Industrial Heritage.
Beamish Recreates Live in the North East Before WWI.
The museum throws a light on the period of the Industrial Revolution in Northeast England from around 1825 onwards.
There is a handy hop-on, hop-off tram dating from 1913 which takes you around the massive site.
There are also Artisan demonstrators who bring industrial-era skills and crafts alive.
My favourite attraction is the colliery village with pit cottages which shows how tough the Miners from the North-east were in those earlier dark days.
Kids will be fascinated!
A family ticket costs £47 and tickets are valid for entry for one year; so you can return several times to take-in all that Beamish has to offer.
Beamish is open everyday from 10am-5pm until November 2nd 2014.
For further information, telephone the museum on 0191 370 4000.
10 Rose & Crown Yard
Off Flower Gate, Whitby
North Yorkshire, Y021 3BE