6 Rosedale Abbey
Pickering, Y018 8RA
North Yorkshire, UK
If you love the North York Moors National Park, you might be interested to know that the NP Authority is able to accept your donation or bequest to assist with work that will last for decades.
Donations or bequests are used to care for the finest landscape in the UK; they help enhance footpaths and bridleways, conserve special habitat, and care for historic buildings and ancient monuments.
Donations can commemorate a loved one, mark a special occasion, or just be a simple gift.
General donations contribute to the ongoing work of the National Park Authority; everything from restoring ancient woodland and wild flower grassland to improving well-used footpaths.
You can also donate to specific projects such as:
• Planting an oak tree within the National Park (£15);
• Placing a footpath sign on the Esk Valley Walk (£75);
• Replacing stiles with gates acros the public footpath network (£250);
• Building a replacement bridge across streams (from £1,000); or
• Enhancing a children’s play ground at the National Park Centre (£8,000)
The National Park offers small and discreet plaques for donors which can be placed on benches, or other ‘furniture’ along public Rights of Way.
And the names of all donors are recorded in a special register maintained at the National Park Offices (note: donations can also be made anonymously).
Telephone Michael Graham or Karl Gerhardsen on 01439 772700 to discuss your donation in person or send a cheque - payable to the North York Moors National Park Authority - to The Old Vicarage, Bondgate, Helmsley, York, YO62 5BP.
10 Rose & Crown Yard
Off Flower Gate, Whitby
North Yorkshire, Y021 3BE