Walking up Northdale and Rosedale

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Rosedale has seen more than its fair share of change over the centuries.

From a rural and isolated farming community before the time of the Vikings; to a religious centre with the founding of the Priory at Rosedale Abbey in the 1100s.

And from an iron-ore boom in the 1860s to a modern day holiday get-away for walkers and lovers of the English countryside today.

Holiday-makers to Rosedale will now discover that the dale has more holiday cottages than farmers; and all the miners left in 1926!

But our lovely valley still retains a sense of peace and tranquility which marks it out as unique and distinctive.

Looking down on Rosedale Abbey 2

The View Towards Northdale.

Fortunately Rosedale remains unspoilt.

And Rosedale Abbey is still lovely.

For the walkers amongst you, there are numerous walks that will help you gain a sense of place for Rosedale.

One delightful walk which we love explores the hidden secrets of Rosedale and and the side-branch valley to North Dale. 

The walk starts out from Rosella Cottage in the heart of the village of Rosedale Abbey.

It follows alongside a small stream, rises in to some dense woodland before emerging on to the high moorland road.

The return is through quiet farmland and the hamlets of upper Rosedale.

It all adds up to a varied and interesting full day walk of about ten-miles.

For details and a map, just click here.

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