6 Rosedale Abbey
Pickering, Y018 8RA
North Yorkshire, UK
Tomorrow, Monday 9th December, all locals and visitors to Rosedale are invited for carols and refreshments with the children and parents around the Christmas tree outside the Rosedale Abbey Primary School.
Father Christmas will be visiting in his sleigh (courtesy of Ryedale Lions Club) from 5pm and carols will commence at 5.30pm
Saturday 14th Dec from 6pm - Flower Of May Campsite
Join Vanessa, John & Graham Atkinson for Mulled Wine & Mince Pies accompanied by
a Mechanical Organ from the Scarborough Fair Collection - (it's the size of a lorry) playing classic Christmas tunes.
Saturday 21st December 6.30pm at the Christmas Tree in the village.
Mulled cider and mince pies will be available to encourage some lusty singing.
And bring a torch.
A collection will be made in aid of the Yorkshire Air Ambulance.
All welcome.
A Crib Service with Christmas Carols will be held in the Church on Tuesday 24th December from 4pm.
It will be a lovely family service for everyone to enjoy, with refreshments provided.
At 11.30pm on Tuessday 24th will be the Midnight Mass.
We are lucky to have this special service at Rosedale this year, come along and enjoy.
Mulled wine to be served afterwards.
10 Rose & Crown Yard
Off Flower Gate, Whitby
North Yorkshire, Y021 3BE