Movies @ the Helmsley Arts Centre

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The British Independent Film Festival is taking place tomorrow (Saturday 4th May 2013) at Helmsley Arts Centre (The Old Meeting House) in  Helmsley.

The Festival starts at 3pm and includes a program of eight short films by the most exciting contemporary British film-makers.

Then at 7.30pm starts the main feature - Saving The Titanic- a compelling drama from the engine room of the Titanic as the heroic engineers below deck fight in vain to avert disaster.

Other May movies at the Helmseley Arts Centre include the following:

Friday 10th May, 7.30pm - Sanctuary - a visual portrayal of the wounds of losing someone whom you loved but failed;

Saturday 11th May, 3pm - Geezas - Dodger is sent to Los Angeles by his London Gangster father to retrieve his baby sister and the cash she ran away with; and

Saturday 11th May, 7.30pm - Dead Cat -  a quirky take on contemporary relationships in London.

Tickets available for all films on the door, or in advance by phoning 01439 771 700.

Prices: Full £5.50 / Concs £5.20.

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