Rosedale Easter Church Services

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Easter Services at the Church of St Mary & St Laurence in Rosedale Abbey will take place at the following times over the Easter Weekend:

+  Good Friday 18th April 2pm; and

+  Easter Sunday 20th April 10.30am.

And there will be an Easter Egg hunt afterward the Sunday Service in the lovely Churchyard.

Rosedale Church

The Church of St Mary & St Laurence in Rosedale Abbey.

For our remote village Church to remain viable for baptisms, weddings, and funerals in the future, local people and holidaymakers who're visiting Rosedale need to support it - even if only occasionally.

All locals and holidaymakers alike will be most welcome and encouraged to attend.

The Church is located directly behind Rosella Cottage in the centre of the village; with access through the garden to the rear of our row of cottages.

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You'll Find the Church Right in the Centre of Rosedale Abbey.

The location of the Church has been a Christian place of Worship since a Cistercian Priory was originally founded in Rosedale in 1158AD.

The "modern" Church was constructed using stone from the Priory during the nineteenth century and you can still see a staircase, a sundial and a single stone pillar from the Priory outside in the Churchyard.

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