6 Rosedale Abbey
Pickering, Y018 8RA
North Yorkshire, UK
One of our aims in creating the Rosella Cottage "blog", was to promote the area around Rosedale Abbey to the widest possible audience of holiday-makers and visitors.
We simply love this region and hope that holiday-makers will also love what is on offer in Rosedale.
You'll find that Rosedale Abbey is a small bustling village; with two "local" pubs, and two village shops, a couple of cafes and a glass making studio.
Rare Orchids are to be Found throughout Rosedale.
The village also has a local primary school (with just 12-children) and a historic old church; and all set around a quaint and ancient village green.
Furthermore, the wider valley of Rosedale is spectacular for walkers and cyclists wanting to explore the centre of the North Yorkshire Moors National Park.
Walking paths, Cycle Tracks and Bridleways Head off in all Directions from Rosedale Abbey.
Originally founded in 1158 AD, the priory in Rosedale was inhabited by a small group of nuns.
They are credited by local historians to be the first people to farm sheep commercially in the region.
And you'll still see lots of sheep wandering abouton the Moors above Rosedale!
The priory was dissolved in 1535 AD King by Henry VIII.
The abandoned priory was then dismantled by the Victorians when the stone was reclaimed for building much of present-day Rosedale Abbey.
In fact, Rosella Cottage is known to have been consctucted from stone "robbed-away" from the priory during the 1850s.
10 Rose & Crown Yard
Off Flower Gate, Whitby
North Yorkshire, Y021 3BE