6 Rosedale Abbey
Pickering, Y018 8RA
North Yorkshire, UK
Three Yorkshire artists - Rob Conway, Cecelia Browne, and James Brunt - are currently working away on a huge piece of landscape art on the Côte de Rosedale Abbey (that's Greenbank, beside the Knott Road to you and me).
Weekend Riders Tackle the Côte de Rosedale Abbey.
The new artwork will celebrate the Route of the Tour de Yorkshire cycle race which passes through Rosedale on Friday 1st May 2015.
The new artwork will be complete by the weekend so look out for it if you're walking, cycling or driving through Rosedale on Knott Road.
The artists are also be painting some of the Rosedale's famous sheep blue (#lessheepbleu) so look out for these as well.
10 Rose & Crown Yard
Off Flower Gate, Whitby
North Yorkshire, Y021 3BE