6 Rosedale Abbey
Pickering, Y018 8RA
North Yorkshire, UK
The North York Moors community in Rosedale was North Yorkshire's first recipient of "Walkers Are Welcome" status.
And as part of our drive to encourage walking, the community in Rosedale Abbey hosts an Annual walking festival.
Walker's Reach Aine Howe Cross Above Rosedale Abbey.
This year, the 2014 Rosedale Walking Festival kicks-off on Saturday 14th June; with additional walks taking place on Sunday 15th June 2014.
It promises to be a great weekend for walkers; so make sure to put the Rosedale Walking Festival in your Diary!
And there certainly are some interesting walks being planned for the weekend on the North York Moors.
Walkers on the Rosedale Mineral Railway.
There are five scheduled walks being organized as part of the 2014 Rosedale Walking Festival.
These include:
+ Rosedale's Spiritual History;
+ The Rosedale History Walk;
+ The Tea Room Walk;
+ The Wildlife Walk; and
+ Rosedale's Railway Circular.
Most of the walk's will be of about 2-4 hours duration.
Each walk is open to all locals and visitors alike.
But - you need to purchase tickets for the walks as there are limited spaces available.
Tickets, and further information can be ordered from Pickering Tourist Information Centre on 01751 473791; or visit the "Rosedale Walking Festival" facebook page for more information.
Walkers are Welcome in Rosedale Abbey.
If you're coming to Rosedale for the week or just the weekend in June, Rosella Cottage is currently available for a lovely cosy stay from Friday 13th June.
To check availability and information on booking, click here.
10 Rose & Crown Yard
Off Flower Gate, Whitby
North Yorkshire, Y021 3BE