6 Rosedale Abbey
Pickering, Y018 8RA
North Yorkshire, UK
Distance: About 22 Miles.
Time Taken: 11 hours.
Weather: Cold & cloudy in the morning but warm and sunny in the afternoon.
Starting off Day 2 from the Lion Inn on Blakey Ridge above Rosedale Abbey.
The Walk
Although I was walking the Coast-to-Coast in June - theoretically the Summer - the morning of my second day felt more like November!
The weather on the Moor top above Rosedale Abbey was cold - but mostly dry - thankfully.
It is easy enough to cross the highest part of the North York Moors by following the route of the Victorian-era Rosedale Mineral Railway. The railway cinder track provides an ideal flat and all weather walking surface.
The Rosedale Mineral Railway.
I left The Lion Inn at 7am and made a quick hike over the higher Moors to drop down into Bilsdale. This first section is very easy going.
At around 11am I came across the first trickle of a deluge of end-to-enders heading in the opposite direction.
Rush Hour on the North York Moors.
After a lazy hour sleeping in a hay meadow at lunchtime; I headed off for the second half of my second day.
This Section is much harder as it involves climbing and descending several sections of the escarpment on the edge of the Moors.
But the views across the Cleveland Plain towards Teesside and Roseberry Topping are fabulous!
Moorland Scene on Glaisdale Rigg.
The afternoon began to warm up considerably and I must admit that I started to wish I was carrying more water.
I arrived very thirsty at Inglby Cross at about 6pm where I was picked up by my Niece who lives in the nearby town of Stokesly.
Another enjoyable day!
Changing Weather Conditions Mean You Need to Pack for All Eventualities!
10 Rose & Crown Yard
Off Flower Gate, Whitby
North Yorkshire, Y021 3BE