6 Rosedale Abbey
Pickering, Y018 8RA
North Yorkshire, UK
I find that a pleasent walk is always enhanced when I understand a little about the landscape and ecology or social history of the area that surrounds my walk.
And visitors to the North York Moors and Yorkshire Heritage Coast can gain some new understanding of their surroundings this summer when they participate in a walk organized by the National Trust.
For example, on Friday 26th July, holidaymakers can take part in a "Discovery Walk" from 10am-3pm at Ravenscar on the coast.
The 5-mile guided walk is fun for all ages and you'll get to check-out the local tree ecology, look for bugs, and discover water creatures.
There'll even be time for a picnic on the beach -so make sure to bring a packed lunch.
The cost is £3 and booking can be made (essential) by telephoning 01947 885900.
Meet at the Ravenscar National Trust Visitor Centre (postcode = YO13 0NA).
This walk to the summit of Roseberry Topping takes place on Sunday 4th August from 1030am - 3pm.
Climb to the top and reward yourself with tea and home made cake at the NTs annual tea-party.
Once again, book by telephone on 01947 885900.
10 Rose & Crown Yard
Off Flower Gate, Whitby
North Yorkshire, Y021 3BE