6 Rosedale Abbey
Pickering, Y018 8RA
North Yorkshire, UK
Played almost nowhere else in Britain; the high moors around Eskdale on the North York Moors ring to the sound of the large iron quoits being thrown on summer evenings.
Quoits owes its history to the Viking invaders who settled around the North York Moors more than 1,000 years ago.
Watch the Quoits Fly at Ainthorpe.
The game is disceptively simple: throw a metal hoop ("the quoit") from one end of a pitch to the other with the object of scoring a "ringer" over a metal pin ("the hob") sticking out of a clay surround.
If you can't ring the hob, then at least touch the hob with your quoit; and failing that, score a point for getting your quoit closer to the hob than your opponents.
Closest to the Hob Wins!
Our local quoits pitches are to be found on the green opposite the Fox in Ainthorpe and on the village green in Danby opposite the Duke of York pub.
Beckhole is perhaps the spiritual home of the game, and not a bad place to visit either for a drink at the Birch Hall Inn.
To join in, you'll need a strong arm, a good eye, and a mean streak.
A willingness to spend plenty of time drinking at the local pub while you practice is also necessary!
10 Rose & Crown Yard
Off Flower Gate, Whitby
North Yorkshire, Y021 3BE