6 Rosedale Abbey
Pickering, Y018 8RA
North Yorkshire, UK
A message from Julia Mulligan, Police and Crime Commissioner for North Yorkshire
"As your Police and Crime Commissioner I have an obligation to set the police precept - the amount you pay for policing in your Council Tax.
A survey is now open so you can give your feedback as to whether you want a tax freeze this year or if you want to pay more for policing. The short consultation takes less than a minute to complete and will help me determine what is best for North Yorkshire.
I am keen for as many people as possible to take part in the consultation and would be grateful if you could encourage others to take part. You can help me promote the survey by sharing this message via your newsletters, website and social media where you have them.
The survey will take less than a minute to complete, and you can see it at www.northyorkshire-pcc.gov.uk
If the precept is frozen, North Yorkshire Police will receive a one-off grant of £640,000 from central government. Combined with the forecast police underspend this year of at least £500,000, this amounts to nearly £1.2 million. Should the precept increase by 1.99% then that too would raise approximately £1.2 million. However, an increase in the precept means not only extra money for the next year, but for each year after that too. Freezing the precept would make it more difficult to balance the budget and deliver services in future years.
There are three options:
a) Freeze the local police precept and receive a grant of £640,000 from the Government to help offset the freeze for one year
b) Increase the precept by 1.99% in order to raise nearly £1.2 million for next year and subsequent years, but avoid a costly local referendum.
c) Put the precept up by more than 1.99% which could raise more money, but will mean at least £700,000 spent on a referendum on the proposals
Please Complete the survey now.
You can also have your say by calling 01423 569 562, emailing
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or writing to: Freepost RTCL-AGAE-TRTS, Police and Crime Commissioner for North Yorkshire, 12 Granby Road, Harrogate, HG1 4ST.
10 Rose & Crown Yard
Off Flower Gate, Whitby
North Yorkshire, Y021 3BE