6 Rosedale Abbey
Pickering, Y018 8RA
North Yorkshire, UK
Many folks living on the North York Moors and along the Yorkshire Heritage Coast are of Viking descent. And so are lots of our local customs which make this area so destinctive.
The traditional "Sword Dance" is one such custom that is perhaps derived from pagan fertility rituals brought here by the Norsemen.
The dance is part of a performance involving a mummers play whose focus is on death and resurrection.
Close-by Rosedale Abbey - and just a short drive away - is the local moorland village of Goathland which is home to the Plough Stots dancers.
The Plough Stots been in existence for at least 150 years, making them one of the oldest Sword-dance groups in England.
The first Sunday after Epiphany is known locally as "Plough Sunday" and on that day a plough is taken into Church to be blessed.
The day of Epithany occurs 12-days after Christmas day, so Plough Sunday takes place in the first half of January.
On the following Saturday the Plough Stots dancers and musicians assemble to dance from end to end of Goathland village and to the outlying farms and cottages in Beck Hole and Green End.
This annual day of dance in early January is the most important date on the Goathland Plough Stot's calendar.
In the traditional round dance, each dancer holds the tip of his neighbour's sword as they circle and weave through the intricate patterns of the dance figures.
The Goathland dance has six figures each with its own accompanying tune, and culminating in the swords being raised in a Lock by the "King".
This is often lowered over the head of one of the comic Characters who accompany the dancers....'Betty' in her old rags and shawl, harassing the dancers with her besom or 'T'Awd Man' with his odd stockings, bashed felt hat and crooked stick.
Or sometimes even some innocent bystander - you have been warned!
The dancers circle as they gradually tighten the lock before withdrawing the swords with a flourish.
A visit to Goathland is well worth the effort for anyone lucky enough to be holidaying in Rosedale Abbey in early January of each year.
Rosella is a lovely holiday home in Rosedale Abbey in the North York Moors.
We cater for couples looking for an active holiday in a lovely setting.
Newly refurbished, we have a cosy lounge, kitchen, a king-size bed in a big bedroom, and a lovely en-suite.
We're in the centre of the village and it is easy walking distance to the village shop, cafes, and village pubs with great restaurants.
To check availability and for bookings, just click here.
10 Rose & Crown Yard
Off Flower Gate, Whitby
North Yorkshire, Y021 3BE