Rosedale's British Daffodil Survey

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The good folk at the North York Moors National Park Authority are seeking assistance from the public to survey the wild Daffodils surrounding Rosedale Abbey and the wider Dale in 2016.

If you are out walking in Rosedale this Springtime, have wild daffodils on your land, or are a keen photographer this survey might be perfect for you!

And it is important work since the British wild daffodil is extremely rare and the only daffodil species native to Britain.


Wild Daffodils In Rosedale.

The National Park Authority is surveying and photographing new areas this year and also revisiting areas from previous years.

The Survey takes place each Spring (March – April 2016) so that the distribution and condition of wild daffodils in Rosedale can be monitored accordingly.

If you can help with the Rosedale daffodil survey, please contact Kate Bailey at the North York Moors National Park on 01439 772700.

Further Details

Daffodil Poster Rosedale 2016


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