6 Rosedale Abbey
Pickering, Y018 8RA
North Yorkshire, UK
The North York Moors National Park Authority is the recipient of Heritage Lottery Funds for a new landscape awareness and conservation programme titled "This Exploited Land".
According to the folks at the National Park, the programme aims to tell the trailblazing story of ironstone and railways on the North York Moors.
Amazing Remnants Like the East Mines Kilns in Rosedale Need Preservation.
This Exploited Land will inform visitors to the North York Moors about the fascinating history behind iron ore mining, iron working, and the advent of the amazing railway that ran across the Moors that brought the iron boom to North Yorkshire.
Even today, visitors can still marvel at the railway and the iron mine infrastructure - as they walk the route the full distance around upper Rosedale and then onwards across the high moorland plateau to Inglby incline.
This Exploited Land will place the explosion of the industrial revolution that occured in places like Rosedale within its national and international significance.
Rosedale's Historic Cinder-track Railway is in Desperate Need of Conservation.
As a practical outcome of the program, folks who love Rosedale and the wider North York Moors can look forward to increased conservation and protection for the industrial archaeology that remains within the Moorland landscape.
The National Park Authority is currently developing a Landscape Conservation Action Plan (LCAP) that will outline the preservation work that we at Rosella Cottage hope will recieve further funds from 2016 to 2021.
Thousands of Visitors Come to Rosedale to "Walk the Line."
10 Rose & Crown Yard
Off Flower Gate, Whitby
North Yorkshire, Y021 3BE