Lost Sheep in Pink Jersey's

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This summer, Rosella Cottage has signed-up to sponsor the "Lost Sheep In Pink Jerseys" promotion in the North York Moors.

We think that finding the lost pink sheep offers a fun and easy way to make you smile when next you're visiting the Moors.

And you can win prizes as well!

Looking for Lost Sheep in Pink Jerseys is easy!

Whenever you visit places like Rosedale Abbey in the North York Moors this summer, just keep a keen eye open for any lost sheep in pink.

All that you have to do is find at least three lost sheep in pink jerseys during your visit to the North York Moors.

You'll need to enter the location details of your discovery on the competition website for the chance to win - its free to enter.

You can also enter as many times as you like with different sheep you spot each day; so there's a big incentive to spot the pink sheep in different areas.

We hope that this will encourage you to stay a little longer on the North York Moors and discover even more of what our fantastic region has to offer.

The promotion starts on Friday 20th June and runs through to Saturday 20th September 2014.

And it is open to both holidaymakers and locals alike.

Will you spot the lost sheep in a pink jersey at Rosella Cottage?

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